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Coach & Trainer

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Most people enter international leadership roles unprepared.


Managers who work abroad as expats, travel frequently or remotely connect countries get help by employers in technical skills, but much less to prepare for another country's habits, culture, laws and daily practices. And yet, the success of their work depends on cultural agility. Even the best technical expert gets lost in cultural mazes, but leaders who connect well with local colleagues and clients take their career to a new, truly global level.

Gabor Holch has spent over 20 years coaching managers, executives, entrepreneurs and diplomats in advanced intercultural communication and leadership skills. He has worked with firms like Porsche, Patek-Philippe, EY, IKEA, Johnson & Johnson, MAERK, world leading banks, hotel chains, the United Nations and governments. His coaching programmes lay on solid research but from the client's end, they are focused, intensive and practical.


Coaching is always deeply personalised, but most programmes fall under one of these topics.

Dragon Suit Speed Coaching (Assessment + 2 coaching hours)

A fast & intensive coaching programme designed specifically for multinational managers working in China or doing regular business with China or East Asia. It builds on Gabor Holch's 20-year China-based executive coaching experience and dozens of interviews he made for his book Dragon Suit: The golden age of expatriate executives in China. Choose an issue of top concern and let's discuss it over two 1-hour focused intercultural leadership coaching sessions supported by the cutting-edge Global DISC intercultural assessment.

Speed Coaching is done online or in person if we are in nearby locations, and includes:

  • Global DISC intercultural behaviour assessment

  • 2x one-hour coaching sessions

  • Written improvement suggestions at the end


Your coach will work with you through these stages:

  • Assessment: Compatibility with Chinese work sectors

  • Awareness: Intercultural, expat & leadership challenges

  • Skills: China-specific cultural & strategic skills

  • Habits: Application, feedback and improvement


Investment: EUR 750 in person, EUR 490 online

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East-West Leadership Coaching (Assessment + 5 hours)

A comprehensive intercultural leadership coaching programme for those who already trust their technical and management skills but want to elevate their careers to a truly global level. At 5 one-hour discussions, it accompanies leaders from an awareness of their natural strengths and cultural profile to constructive habits to observe and understand colleagues, clients or business partners from unfamiliar cultures, communicate, negotiate, work in teams, lead, influence and motivate in ways that suit both side's values and the surrounding corporate culture.

East-West Leadership Coaching is done online or in person if we are in nearby locations, and includes:

  • Global DISC intercultural behaviour assessment

  • 5x one-hour coaching sessions

  • Written improvement suggestions at the end


Your coach will work with you through these stages:

  • Assessment: mapping personal & cultural compatibility

  • Awareness: Natural leadership style, strengths & goals

  • Skills: Communication & teamwork across cultures

  • Habits: Application, feedback and improvement


Investment: EUR 2,000 in person, EUR 1,250 online

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